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For the LOVE OFFERING please use the General Fund option in the EasyTithe link.
All One Time donations this week will be sent to Samaritan's Purse.


HCBC understands you can't always join us in person. We want to make it convenient for our members and guests to watch our sermons and tithe.


Offerings can be sent securely ONLINE, through TEXT, MAILED or DROPPED OFF during business hours.


2 Corinthians 9:7



Give easily and securely by clicking below. You'll be directed to EasyTithe where you can give once or set up reoccurring offerings.

Using a Touch Phone

Text GIVE to 903-300-1287 and follow the simple prompts.

Image by Alex Perz

Mail your Offering to :


Hill Creek Baptist Church

14749 Hwy 110 S

Whitehouse, TX 75791

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